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  • Integrative Cancer Therapies

Publication Date: March, 2011

Integrative Cancer Therapies

Title of Article Title of Article:

Regulation of p21, MMP-1, and MDR-1 Expression in Human Colon Carcinoma HT29 Cells with Tien Xian Liquid, a Chinese Medicinal Formula, In Vitro and In Vivo.

Research author Research author:

Cho Wing SZE, KL Wong, Keung LIU, Tzi Bun NG,
Jack H. Wong, Ho P. Cheung, Miu Ngan YOW,

Research unit Research unit:

School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
School of Biomedical Sciences , The Chinese University of Hong Kong
School of Faculty of Headlth and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Research unit Conclusions:

In this study, we developed comprehensive quality control methods to examine the main elements toxic to the reproductive system, including arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and lead, and to evaluate the quality consistency of TXL among different batches of TXL extract. These ensure the safety and quality of TXL for antitumorigencity was explored. TXL treatment upregulated the protein levels of p21 and downregulated the protein level of MMP-1 and MDR-1 and displayed antiproliferative activity. These findings also confirmed that TXL exhibited in antitumorigencity.

Journal Introduction Journal Introduction:

Integrative Cancer Therapies was established in 2002 as a prospective and innovative medical journal. It mainly collects professional papers regarding integrative medicine, traditional medicine for cancer therapies, which include diet care, life management, nutrition supplements, experimental vaccines, and any other therapy measure employing advance scientific approaches.

Impact Factor for 2011 is 2.136.

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