Evidence-based Medicine

  • We salute those who have committed themselves to medical research as the pioneers.
Evidence-Based Medicine

Medical research is a lonely and tedious process that is generally ignored by people.

Results of medical research are fruitful, outstanding and should be praised.

Allow us to deliver our utmost respect to those scientists with the visions to ignore criticisms and seek the truth.

Medical research is an essential element regardless if it is Western medicine or Chinese medicine. It never needs any specific report or illustration.

If we may take travel back in time to several decades ago, we would certainly notice that Chinese medicine encountered numerous biases, despise, and reputation as pointless medication. Tian Xian Liquid is categorized as Chinese herbal medicine. It was inevitably questioned, excluded and despised at the time. There are more than ten kinds of herbal ingredients in Tian Xian Liquid. It therefore is unbelievably hard to find any medical agency or hospital that will examine its components. Mainstream medical science viewed it as meaningless. Conducting any research on Tian Xian Liquid will risk destroying ones reputation and would only blemish a researcher's own qualification.

As such, we particularly appreciate the sponsorship from the Ching-Hsing Medical Foundation of Taiwan and the research team from the Medical College of the National Taiwan University who are conducting initial fundamental research on the "Immuno-modulation Effect of Tien Hsien Liquid" with an attitude of persistent inquiry, truth seeking, regardless of criticisms and accommodating all perspectives. Starting from this, a twelve-year study and experimental topics according to modern medical research standards regarding pharmacological, cytological, toxicological, and animal tests as well as clinical trials have been conducted. Based on years of efforts and patience, it was finally identified and certified in 2011 by numerous governmental institutions and medical agencies leading the efforts in cancer research in the international community. We have a strong conviction that there is a long route for Tian Xian Liquid to become perfect. However, we have no reason to discontinue our further efforts.

Those medical agencies that are involved in the research of the Tien Hsien Liquid, or alternatively, medical research institutions participating in the discussion of the research are listed as below. They should be recognized for their bravery.

Research suggestion and Discussion's unit

?The University of Tokyo,Japan
?King Memmorail Chulalongkorn Hospital, Chulalongkorn University Bangkok,
?University of Sydeny, Australia
?The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victoria Australia
?Chang Gung University, Taiwan
?National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan
?Obisu Sankei Hospital, Japan
?Japan Holistic Medicine Association

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