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  • The American Journal of Chinese Medicine

Publication Date: June, 2005, Volume 33 Number 4

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine

Title of Article Title of Article:

"Tien-Hsien Liquid" Can Modulate Antigen-Stimulated Cytokine Production by T-Cells Isolated from Patients with Recurrent Aphthous Ulcerations.

Research author Research author:

Dr.Sun Andy, Dr. Chia Jean-San, Dr. Wang Won-Bo, Dr. Chiang Chun Pin

Research unit Research unit:

Graduate Institute of Microbiology, National Taiwan University, College of Medicine
Dental Dept., National Taiwan University

Research author Conclusions:

In summary, this study found that THL could not only significantly augment the lower of PHA- or TT-stimulated TNF-α,IL-6, and IL-10 production by T-cells isolated from RAU patients to a higher level, but also significantly depress the higher levels of TT-stimulated IL-2 production, the GtfD-stimulated IL-2, TNF-α,IL-6 and IL-10 production, and the S. mutans-stimulated IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-10 production by T-cells isolated from RAU patients to lower levels. These results indicate that THL can modulate the antigen-stimulated cytokine production by T-cells isolated from RAU patients. Because RAU is probably a Th1-mediated disease with elevated levels of IL-2, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-6 in either the patient’s sera or oral lesions, and these increased levels of cytokines can be reduced by THL, we suggest that THL may be a potential immunoceutical agent for treatment of RAU.

Journal Introduction Journal Introduction:

The American Journal of Chinese Medicine was established in 1973 and focused on research papers on Chinese herbal medicinal plants, technology, treatment, traditional medicine theory, public health, medicine, and health in developing countries, basic medicine, clinical medicine and other international measures. It is a pioneer in advocating East and West medicine exchange.

Impact Factor for 2010 is 1.979.

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