Detailed material

  • Chinese Medicine Macau Journal

Publication Date: July, 2010

Chinese Medicine

Title of Article Title of Article:

Tien Xian Liquid (TXL) induces apoptosis in HT-29 colon cancer cell in vitro and inhibits tumor growth in vivo.

Research author Research author:

Q LIU, Yao TONG, Cho Wing SZE, Wing Keung LIU, L LAM, Shihng Meir CHU, Miu Ngan YOW

Research unit Research unit:

School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
School of Biomedical Sciences , The Chinese University of Hong Kong
School of Faculty of Headlth and Social Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Research unit Conclusions:


TXL significantly inhibits cell proliferation in the HT-29 cells and HT-29-bearing mouse model. TXL-induced apoptosis is likely achieved through the mitochondrial cell death pathway as indicated by a reduction in mitochondrial membrane potential, and the decrease of Bcl-2/Bax ratio and the release of cytochrome c followed by the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-9.

Journal Introduction Journal Introduction:

Chinese Medicine was established in 2006. It is an open access, online electronic medical journal encompassing research papers on Chinese medicine theory, health food, clinical nutrition, acupuncture, medical education, culture, and technology. Impact Factor for 2011 is 1.24

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